More than 200 million emails are sent out every minute of the day. This already debunks the theory that Email Marketing is dead. This figure shows that this platform is still heavily used to communicate with consumers, brands and enterprise marketers alike. Emails seamlessly integrate with other marketing strategies such as it can inform someone about your latest post or it can alert someone about an approaching deadline on an offer – So it is worth investing in email marketing.
The first reason that email is still thriving is the many advantages over social media. With emails you are able to send out tailored and relevant offers and information to customers. With social media you send out information to a range of people who may not really be interested in what you have to offer. With emailing people choose to subscribe to you which means they are definitely interested in what you have to say. Social media heavily relies upon customer engagement – liking, sharing and retweeting to spread the word about your business. On the other hand, emails drive sales and customer retention. A study found that the organic reach for a Facebook post is only 6% whereas with emailing it is 20-30% which means an email is 5x more likely to be seen through an email than on Facebook.
Secondly, email is evolving. There is technology that can now monitor, test and tweak emails to drive customer engagement. Emails may not be used to have conversations anymore due to the introduction of social media and instant messaging apps. However, it has become a platform that helps to deliver cross-channel experiences on different devices. Many emails were not mobile proof and many did not render properly up until recently. As you may know, we are very visual and if something doesn’t look good we may well click off of it without a second thought. Coming to the end of 2015, emails are mostly optimised for mobiles however you do still get the odd unresponsive email. It is estimated that at least 91% of consumers check emails at least once a day on their smartphones so it is important that your email is mobile responsive.
Lastly, email has been proven to be very effective in keeping returning customers and increasing sales – if done properly. We are bombarded by hundreds of emails everyday so it is important that yours stands out. To increase engagement, it is a good idea to include social sharing buttons. It has be shown that the click through rate has been proven to increase by 158% compared to emails without it. So, adding social features and a strong call to action buttons can be very effective in not only drawing the customer in more but can increasing brand awareness. Emailing is a brilliant way to deliver the news of discounts and latest deals to the customer, this is also an effective way to increase online sales. Customers tend to like email sequences that can educate and engage them – So make sure you are providing useful information to your customers!
We provide email marketing solutions that deliver outstanding results and the best return on your investment.